Is general people of our generation are little scared of dealing with the Electronic Media?
I asked this question many time to my contemporaries. Most of them had their point of view.
After some thoughts put in I believe the barriers exist in mind more than anything else. It’s a fear which unless we challenge is difficult to dispel. For that to happen we must shed off any preconceived notion and come out of our comfort zones.
I tried to pen this poem hearing a melodious song and typing electronically directly for the first time. Please peruse the verses and like; and comment Please.
Beyond Barriers:
"Oh my mate, come closer to me,
We've to move together in this journey,
Oh my mate, come closer to me (2).
This journey seems to new and sound,
Light might fade out any time round.
Shalln't it be lost away , you see?
You come closer, more closer to me.
We've to move together in this journey,
Oh my mate, come closer to me(2)!
Please pause a while, my life partner,
We don't know next bends leads where,
Who knows and who can really foresee?
You come closer, more closer to me,
We've to move together in this journey,
Oh my mate, come closer to me (2)!!
One who desserts home to movd away,
Distance can't scare him night and day,
We've moved for heart's abode willy nilly,
You come closer, much closer to me,
We've to move together in this journey,
Oh my mate, come closer to me (2)!!!
Dated, the 9th Dec.'21. - Yudhajit
My poem which is composed this morning. If you want to know whether my heroine gets back her lost love, then wait till 7th January when my third fiction novel "DUSK BY THE SEA-SHORE"is launched in