I often thought of the importance of self-awareness and mindfulness in our day-to-day activities and in which fashion they are connected to the process of maturation.

Let us find what is covered in the narrations in the realms of awareness and maturation as we find in the following arricles. 😀


What is self-awareness and how to develop it
By Elizabeth Perry, ACC
September 14, 2022

What is self-awareness?

Two states of self-awareness

Why is self-awareness important?

Benefits of self-awareness

What's the self-awareness gap?

How do I know if I'm a self-aware person?

How to become more self-aware

Do you want to be happier, have more influence, be a better decision-maker, and be a more effective leader? Self-awareness, then, is the most important muscle you need to develop. It's what will keep you on target to be the best version of yourself and the best leader you can be.

The benefits of self-awareness are as varied as each individual, and examples include increased influence, greater perspective, and stronger relationships. Let's dig into what self-awareness is, definitions, and ways to develop it.

What is self-awareness?
Self-awareness is defined as "conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires," according to Oxford Language.

Psychologists Shelley Duval and Robert Wicklund proposed this definition:

"Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don't align with your internal standards. If you're highly self-aware, you can objectively evaluate yourself, manage your emotions, align your behavior with your values, and understand correctly how others perceive you."

Put simply, those who are highly self-aware can interpret their actions, feelings, and thoughts objectively.

It’s a rare skill, as many of us spiral into emotion-driven interpretations of our circumstances. Developing self-awareness is important because it allows leaders to assess their growth and effectiveness and change course when necessary.

Enhance your self-awareness
Discover how personalized coaching can help you align your actions with your deepest values and goals.


What is Maturation Theory?
To define maturation in simple terms, maturation is the process of growth and development that human beings go through regarding the changes that occur from birth until death. Maturation theory, as developed by Dr. Arnold Gesell, an American psychologist and pediatrician, focuses on the changes undergone in childhood. His theory posits that all children go through the same sequential stages of maturation, but each individual child develops and completes milestones on their own personal timelines.

As mentioned earlier, the process of maturation does not end in adulthood but continues during the entire lifespan of a person. The process of aging in adulthood is called senescence, which considers how people develop and/or deteriorate starting in early adulthood ending at death in late adulthood. Maturation theory is important for people to study, because it helps build on knowledge already known to the scientific community and also helps provide information on when people should be ready to achieve a certain developmental task or milestone. This lesson will expand on multiple types of maturation, including physical, cognitive, and biological maturation.

Physical Maturation
Physical maturation encompasses two types of physical development, which are physical growth and development. Characteristics observed to change during this specific type of maturational process include weight and height, as well as fine and gross motor skills. Height is a physical trait which changes from birth until children reach their late teens, when they typically stop growing. Weight also typically levels off around this point but fluctuates for some adults throughout their entire lifetime. Fine and gross motor skills fall under the umbrella of developmental characteristics that are developed and refined as a person ages and matures.

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Bikash Paul Choudhury (Pen Name - YUDHAJIT)
Bikash Paul Choudhury (Pen Name - YUDHAJIT)

Written by Bikash Paul Choudhury (Pen Name - YUDHAJIT)

A technocrat in his second innings on Authorprenership, writer of fifteen books, mainly the fiction books, self-published on Amazon platforms.

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