Good morning friends!
Around Rynjah, Shillong, there exists a 95 years old Siva temple in a bad condition by the side of a PHE waterbody, which I, as a Shillongite, didn’t know earlier about. I am thankful to Prabhat dada for his company for the local pilgrimage yesterday. It would not be out of place to mention that Sri Prabhat Paul is a researcher and author of more than 10 books on the legends, and spiritual places of this land. Originally, he hailed from Cherrapunji and had worked in Public Works Department some two decades back. Thus, it was always an education to get him for a company.
Next we drove along the Laitkor peak to get a glimpse of the legend ofdifferenttype. I could gather the facts of history from Prabhat dada.
Mawblei, Laitkor...having 9 (nine) menhir and 3 (three) dolmen, perhaps this conceptualize the 9 'graha' and 3 identities of heaven, earth and under-earth. This is the testimony of ancient PRE-VEDIC stone age civilization 20,000 - 40,000 years old cutural heritage of this place in Meghalaya.
In the phase three of my drive, I went alongside him to the palace of the Hima Kyrim and met the caretaker. In the house of Royal family, I met 'Kongor' of khyrim as the heir cum the caretaker of the Royal heritage is popularly known as.
Smit Royal Palace of Syiem Khyrimship:
Till time immemorial, people knew about Syiem of Khyrim. It is believed that there were 32 Syiems in Khasi Hills out of which Syiem of Khyrim was the most prominent for maintaining a traditional culture.
The Royal Temple is locally known as 'IING-SAD’, which has a rich legend and divinity. It is evident during the 'Sad-Nongkrem' that only the young girls participate in the dance to please the deity.
In the prayer place of the believer of original Khasi faith before the conversion to Christianity took place, I came to know about the pillar which is the medium by which the Communication to the deity takes place; the pillar cannot be touched by anyone except the priests and the photos cannot be taken of it. Hence, I could only view it, but could not share the photo.!!
Thank you all for perusing the piece. I would love to get your reaction on this piece!!!
#my memoirs